Health services research and implementation

Development in digital health technologies have proceeded at a substantial rate in the last few years. Unsurprisingly, this advancement has not corresponded to a proportional increase in consumer choice in digital technologies to treat and monitor health. There is a need for a greater emphasis on translational research and activities that facilitate the progression from the creation to the use of digital technologies in health. The Health Policy and Implementation hub within the Toronto-Manchester Joint Translational Centre for Digital Health is responsible for supporting activities focused on the governance of digital health technologies and their intersection with society. These include, for example, socioeconomic assessments and foresight; analyses of the regulatory landscape, policy drivers; and social research on the changing nature of healthcare. This theme brings together policy decision-makers, technology developers, researchers, and technology users.

Hub leads


Dr. Helen Hawley-Haugue

University of Manchester
Division of Nursing, Social Work, and Midwifery

Dr. Nelson Shen

University of Toronto
Institute for Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation

Dr. Debbie Passey

University of Melbourne
Centre for Digital Transformation of Health

Dr. Celene Yap

University of Melbourne
School of Health Sciences